I was a 'goody goody' kid in high school, I didn't drink, didn't do drugs, hadn't had sex. The furthest I had gone with a boy was french kissing and some feeling up over the clothes. I dressed in clothes that would hide my body. Being a curvy size 4-6 I was embarrassed about my body, I couldn't wear junior sized clothing because of my hips and bust, so my clothes were from Casual Corner. Yep, hip as can be....if you are a 27-35 year old professional....haha.
I don't know what I would tell that girl in this picture. Maybe nothing at all. She ran far, far away from home to get away from everything. The competition she felt with her friends, the repression she felt with her mother, the sense that there was always someone watching and judging... She made her way and became her own person. She discovered that she could be funny and witty. She made a lot of friends, hurt some people along the way (herself included), but in the end came out looking pretty good.
Some days I wonder if I'm still running away. From what now, I have no idea. Maybe distance is something I need to see the world clearly. Or maybe I'm just full of sh*t. My eyes are brown after all. Well, until Day Eleven...peace out kids!