Sunday, October 16, 2011
One dream becomes reality
In 2005, before the ride, Trainer got a brand new bike with Dura Ace (top of the line) components for a GREAT price, it was one of those...'we have to do this, too good to pass up' kind of deals. We trained and trained (he used to bribe me with scones in the middle of our ride) and finally made it to Houston, with our bikes in boxes, and did the ride from Houston to Austin. I loved it. That is also when we fell in love with Austin and decided to move here!
Once we moved here I didn't do much riding, running...anything...for about a year. I gained 10 lbs and was working all of the time. In 2007 I started running again. In 2008 was my first attempt at swimming, that didn't stick. Then I met Mid-West Girl. During our friendship she started training for the Austin Triathlon in 2009. So I told her I would ride with her. It got me back on my bike and remembering how much I LOVED riding. Just for the joy of being outdoors, alone with your thoughts, looking at all the beauty that surrounds us...for me it's like a sanctuary. A really big one. Anyway, after riding with her for months and months, running with my running partner I decided to take real swim lessons with T3 Training group and then I started Triathlons. But my love was and is the bike.
We put off getting me a new bike because something else was always more important. New windows, vet bills, paying off debt...and once we started doing that I wasn't going to spend thousands on a bike. My little, heavy, Cannondale got me through several Century rides, countless weekend rides, 6 triathlons included a Half Ironman, and brought me peace when I needed it the most. I will always love that heavy monster.
It's been a year now that I've been with my new training group FOMO, Coachy Coach is a sponsored athlete and she can share some of those discounts with her athletes...such as myself. Those discounts included (drum roll) bicycles. OMG. I scored a complete deal on this bad boy below...or will it end up being a bad girl. Hmmm...ponder that. Anyway, no, our debt is not paid off. Yes, this will add about 2 months to the end of our schedule. BUT, this is a one time shot to get something really nice for myself for a really great price. Not everyone understands it. One of my girlfriends said I was crazy and that she'd spend that money going to Europe. (PS - that kind of money won't get you very far in the EU.)
So - here it new ride...that should arrive on Wednesday or Thursday (most likely Thursday b/c that is how my life goes):
What do you think...male or female....hmmm...
Well, time for my long run, I've put it off long enough. Peace out my pretties!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Six weeks until Vacation!!!! (Rambling post)
Okay, so first I have to respond to Shan's comment on my last post. Love my Shan, Sexy Hippy Mama, with all my heart. If I told all of you readers how much sleep I get you might hunt me down and slaughter me in the middle of the night. I get 8-10 hours every night (albeit broken sleep - thank you Brody, but still.) I do sleep, and sleep, and sleep and if I didn't have to get up I'd probably sleep some more. And just to point out to all of my parental readers: Believe me when I tell you that my athletic endeavors are SO much easier and less energy sucking than your adorable children. I can go out on a 7 hour bike ride, run for 30 min and still be able to make it through the rest of the day (with a short nap of course) and be fine the next day. When I watched my precious little 'H' man while Yoga Babe was giving birth (yes, remember I was there during a home birth) for 8 hours I was exhausted. Mentally, physically exhausted for the next 2 days! My point is that child rearing (haha) is effing hard work, a lot harder than this tri shit.
Speaking of tri-shit. I am on my maintenance plan and enjoying it. I have one week left and then I start training for my 1/2 marathon in January. I'm excited. Running with a purpose is good at times, especially when I'm trying to refocus on me, my body, my motivation...etc. You get the idea. Blah-diity-blah-blah-blah.
Fun stuff in life: Went to tea with Yoga Babe and a new friend on Saturday. (side note - I was completely lazy on Saturday, read a book and a half, did no exercise...blissful day.) The Steeping Room is one of our favorite places and after tea we walked around the outdoor shopping area and well, we shopped. I got new UNDIES! YEAH!!! Yes, I am super stoked about my new undies, and they are not Fredrick's undies, they are good 'ol day to day underwear. They have come along way in 7 years. I think that is the last time I purchased undies for day to day. I have plenty of uncomfortable, only on for an hour max, sexy, sassy, play things underwear. I bought 14 new undies. Bikini and thongs. They are SOOOO comfortable. I threw out all of the old undies. Very satisfying. UNDIES!!!! Sorry, still excited and it was 3 days ago. :)
OH, and I remembered why I quit WW this last time. It doesn't quite work right for people that exercise a lot. I guess it could...I don't know, maybe I'm doing it wrong?? Regardless I'm paid up through December so I will lose that $$, but I did join a nutrition challenge through my nutritionist. Probably a better way to go since it is custom to me, my workout habits and life; pizza Fridays and pastry Sundays.
K, I'm just babbling again. I will post again tomorrow (mostly b/c work is sucking the life out of me and this makes it bearable.) I will pick one of those topics from my last post. Have a great day! It's Tuesday, 4 days to go. Rockin.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
I need a tape recorder...
This is the phrase that has been plaguing my thoughts this week:
"Wanting something means nothing if you're not going to DO anything to get what you want."
When I was trying to organize my 'crap' room I came across my old (seriously old, like when I was 17-18years old...old) journals. Here is the opening sentence to one entry: "I want to be thin...and I'm writing this as I eat a snickers bar." Well duh honey! That's not going to work! And today I find myself doing the exact same thing. Well, not really a snickers bar, but too many calories, not enough burn...etc. Whatever.
My score for the week on getting up early = 0/5, that's right. NO early mornings! DAMN IT! But, I will try again next week. I have to keep trying. One of these days I might actually get a foot on the floor, followed by the other foot, dressed and out the door. It could happen. Really. Swear.
Other things that were going through my head on my ride, which will become blog post (so stay tuned!):
- I need new friends, ones that aren't I can feel like I am talented.
- This fat leg thingy issue is a curse, but a blessing.
- Why do I stay at my job.
- Women CAN be crazy and over sensitive, and then there's the other side of the coin.
- Why did I start this blog.
- If self-loathing were a competition I could podium.
Tomorrow and the next day and the day after that I will strive to become a better version of myself. What will you do today or tomorrow or the next day to take a step towards those 'wants'?
Saturday, September 10, 2011
During my lunch with Coachy Coach she asked me some great questions, many were just to get me thinking, but most were to get me moving in the right direction. One was, "well, how ARE you going to get control of your eating and working out?" Legit questions coming from the person who writes my workouts and is seeing no no fault of her own, which I tell her every week. :)
Anyway, the good news is that even before our meeting I had just joined (or re-joined) Weight Watchers. They have yet another system, I think this will be my 4th time doing the plan?? The first time didn't work, but I don't think I really wanted to lose the weight. Or rather, I didn't want to work at it. And losing weight takes work...a lot of work and perceived sacrifice. (Because really...saying no to a donut isn't a 'real' sacrifice...) I started on Tuesday morning and by my weigh in on Friday I was already down 3lbs. Yes, water weight, however if I keep drinking the water - the weight will stay off - so I consider it a real loss. I will weigh in once a week like I'm supposed to and log-in online and TRACK my shit. Yes, you have to track what is going in your mouth and you are forced to make decisions. I feel more in control and know that this is all in my hands. Good.
And guess what? From there, the weight loss comes the benefits of exercise. I get more 'points' if I exercise...meaning I can eat a little more when I exercise, not the entire farm. ie; after a 2 hour workout I can go have a slice or two of pizza and not worry about it...however, I cannot have the 2 slices of pizza, a cinnamon roll, ice cream and mac and cheese for dinner. Which sadly, yes I admit it, has happened before. I haven't gained a ton of weight, but I popped back into the 160s which ticks me off. So now I am less than 2 pounds away from the 150s (yes, that would be 159) and I'm motivated to get there. (Oh, and more than is so much easier to run and bike when you weigh less, every 5lbs makes a HUGE difference.)
Motivated to get there....and to do my workouts. Every week my dear Coachy Coach write these workouts and on Sunday I get ALL excited for what the week holds. Then ultimately I work a few 10-12 hour days, come home, feed the pups, start dinner and it is 8pm and dark outside. And then my lovely 9month old pup wakes us up every couple of hours to go outside...and not because he needs to relieve himself, but because it's cool outside and he wants to I get no sleep and am exhausted and therefore do not get my ass out of bed to get to the gym. Then a pattern of missed workouts start to pile up, I start to feel like shit from missing the workouts....and then we repeat the pattern. (Pete and Repeat go into a bar, Pete comes out, who is left? Repeat...Okay, Pete and Repeat go into a bar...)
Well, Trainer has no choice and has to get up for clients. I've made another decision that I'm going to get up at 5 am every morning next week and GO TO THE GYM (that opens at 5:30 and is 5 min from the house) and do my workouts. At least the ones I can do at the gym, like mid-week cycling and swimming, the running I will only do on the dreadmill if there is no other alternative.
I have the puppies in Playcare 2x a week so on those days (Monday and Thursday) I am going to workout in the AM and/or at lunch. There, I said it. Now I have to accountable. Which is something I obviously need. I will report back next weekend to tell everyone (my millions of readers....hahaha) what I did and did not do. I'm not superhuman, I know that, but I can do SO much better than what I've been doing. I AM better than this. I am. I know it.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
And...we're back! Again
Friday, May 20, 2011
Blogging Project - Day 21

Monday, May 16, 2011
Blogging Project - Day 20

Friday, May 13, 2011
Blogging Project - Day 19

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Blogging Project - Day 18
- I believe that everything happens for a reason
- I believe there is something guiding the universe (faith) and every person's 'something' can be different
- I believe that a run, coffee and chatting with a friend is great therapy
- I believe that shopping, margaritas, trying on fancy dresses and chatting with friends is even better therapy!
- I believe that every person meets for a reason, we all play a role in this movie called 'Life'
- I believe that teachers are severely underpaid
- I believe that parents should take responsibility for raising their children
- I believe that I grew up in the best decade ever (the 80s-90s rule!)
- I believe that mistakes are life lessons, we should all make them
- I believe that you should pick up after your dog - Pooh Kharma is real people!!
- I believe that every day is a gift, some days it may feel like a prank, but hey, we're still alive
- I believe that I don't want to live past 80, we'll see what I say if I'm still here at 79 :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Blogging Project - Day 17

Monday, May 9, 2011
Blogging Project - Day 16

Thursday, May 5, 2011
Blogging Project - Day 15
Web definitions
- Tumblr is a blogging platform that allows users to post text, images, video, links, quotes, and audio to their tumblelog, a short-form blog. Users are able to "follow" other users and see their posts together on their dashboard. Users can "like" or "reblog" posts from other blogs on the site. ...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Blogging Project - Day 14

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Blogging Project - Day 13
Blogging Project - Day 12
- Wake up at 6:30ish...
- Trainer brings me breakfast in bed (Oatmeal supreme and coffee)
- Leave the house at 8am (yes, I'm supposed to actually be AT work at 8)
- BORING from my desk answering angry people all day.
- 1pm - Every Monday I go to the grocery store for my lunch if I can and get the weeks worth of stuff
- 1:45 - unpack groceries and start making my ghetto-tizers for the IM meeting at night.
- 2:15pm back to work
- 5:30pm - leave work, get home, play with pups
- 6:10pm - leave the house to head to Coachy Coach's house
- 6:35pm - arrive 5 min late, set out my food, much and visit with my tri-peeps
- 7:00pm - IM meeting (for the athletes, we're just spectating, but it was cool to hear all the info!)
- 8:45pm - Drive ALL the way back's like 10 miles or something ridiculous! (HA!)
- 9:00pm - Arrive home, play with pups
- 9:15pm - Take pills, wash face, brush teeth and hop into bed
- 9:30pm - Watch silly tv to try and fall asleep
- 10:45pm - Turn on CNN and the sleep timer and lay my head down.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Blogging Project - Day 11
- Gravedancer - Velvet Revolver
- Home - Daughtry
- Home - Sheryl Crow
- Hot in Here - Nelly (explicit version of course!)
- In Da Club - 50 Cent (Explicit once again)
- Into the Ocean - Blue October
- Jar of Hearts - Christina Perri
- Keep Away - Godsmack
- Lady Marmalade - Moulin Rouge Soundtrack
- Lately - David Gray

Friday, April 29, 2011
Blogging Project - Day 10

Blogging Project - Day 9
- To be happy with what I'm doing for work
- To open a wellness center with Trainer
- To build a savings account that will leave us more than ready for retirement
- To build a spending account for travel and then...well, travel!
- To stay in shape and be participating in tris into my 70s!
- To possibly, maybe, if the stars all align do an IronMan (shit...did I really write that?)
- To write and publish at least one book
- And a lot of other stuff that I cannot think of right now!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Blogging Project - Day 8

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Blogging Project - Day 7

The sixth sign of the zodiac is concerned with: |
* self-perfection, critical faculties |
* altruism, honesty, responsibility |
* cleanliness, hygiene, health, healing |
* efficiency, daily routines, reliability |
* strength of character, veiled sensuality |
* service, hard work, passivity, modesty |
* incisive communication, shrewd logical thought |
Elemental Quality
Virgo is the mutable earth sign of the zodiac, indicating adaptable practicality. It can be likened to a semi-shaded patio which has been adapted to make a garden filled with a great variety of plants, climbers, and an arbor. Half-hidden, here and there, are garden chaise lounges with rich patchwork covers, bottles of homemade organic wines, and other unexpected practical delights.
Spiritual Goal
The Virgoan Female
If a woman behaves in a way that is distinctive of the personality associated with the zodiac sign of Virgo, she will have a tendency toward the characteristics listed below, providing there are no influences in her personal birthchart that are stronger than that of her Virgo sun sign.
The typical Virgo woman: |
* has a pointed chin and a face in repose |
* the eyes are often soft and very beautiful |
* the hair may be long or short but is normally impeccably groomed |
* the mouth and lips are well formed |
* is typically clean and very neatly dressed |
* can analyze situations in detail |
* is devoted to her work, usually serving others in some way |
* is basically shy |
* has incredible strength of purpose |
* will pursue happiness wherever it leads |
* is pure of mind but not naive |
* thinks of herself as more orderly and efficient than other people |
* has a delightful, straightforward personality |
* does not express her feelings easily |
* can be soothing one moment and critical the next |
Young Virgo
If a child behaves in a way that is distinctive of the personality associated with Virgo, he or she will have a tendency toward the characteristics listed below.
The typical Virgo child: |
* is quick, alert, and an excellent mimic, and so can learn many things in a short time |
* gets upset if he or she forgets something that has been learned by heart |
* rarely questions authority but frequently questions facts |
* is honest and reliable |
* is usually shy among strangers |
* loves to do jobs around the home imitating an adult |
* is sometimes a fussy eater |
* is usually tidy, with occasional bouts of disorganization |
* gets very upset if teased |
* is often an early talker and reader |
Young Virgos will try very hard to please, as long as they know what is expected.
As they grow up they will often find close relationships with the opposite sex very difficult.
Virgos take a lot of convincing that they are attractive people. Lots of genuine praise and encouragement early in life will help to smooth the path to true love in teenage and early adulthood.
Parents should never interfere when their young Virgo begins to notice the opposite sex. Even the slightest hint of criticism or teasing may cause Virgos to withdraw and choose the single life.
Young Virgo's Needs
Young Virgo must have physical affection, in the form of hugs, and sincere compliments every day in order to build the self-confidence that every typical Virgo child lacks.
Negative Factors
Virgos are nervous worriers, and a friend who in some way feeds the worries will reduce Virgo to a nervous heap.
Virgos can be cold and critical, so a friend who softens the barbed remarks with caring laughter will bring out the Virgo wit.
Most Virgos find it almost impossible to admit they are occasionally wrong.
The website goes more in-depth and I agree with the majority of traits on there. I display the good and the bad of the sign, however with the Libra rising I'm also a peace-keeper/moderator...which has been/is prominent in my life. So, in a rather large nut-shell, yes...I believe it fits me.

Monday, April 25, 2011
Blogging Project - Day 6
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Blogging Project - Day 5

Friday, April 22, 2011
Blogging Project - Day 4